Five Self-Care Tips for Spring

As we head towards mid-march, we can finally start to thaw and emerge from a mild yet gloomy winter. Hopefully, as the days get lighter and longer you start to feel some of winter’s weight lift off your shoulders. To make this transition just a bit easier, try these self-care tips to feel refreshed and build up some habits that may have fallen aside this winter.

  1. Get outside: Even if you do participate in an outdoor winter sport, this season was tough for it. Without much snow to ski on, I found myself inside more than usual this winter. As things melt and thaw, it is a perfect time to venture back outdoors. Start now with walks or runs in town and as things dry out maybe head to the mountains for a hike or get out for a bike ride.
  2. Clean out your closet: Spring is all about new beginnings, making it perfect for spring cleaning. Go through your closet, putting away anything from fall/winter and getting rid of those pieces that no longer fit your body or your style. 
  3. Plant a garden: As we enter the end of March and the beginning of April it’s the perfect time to plant some seeds. Sadly, I am notorious for my black thumb, so I’ll stick to farmer’s markets for my veggies, but if you have the skill, growing your own veggies is an affordable and sustainable way to add some color to your diet.
  4. Try a new recipe: A new season means new seasonal produce! Try making stuffed artichokes for the first time or throw together a shaved asparagus salad. I’m excited for local produce outside of root veggies and can’t wait to start playing with new foods!
  5. Recommit to your goals: New Years is obviously a great time for goal setting, but the timing of it can often make it hard to stick to new routines or goals. If you had high hopes in January, but haven’t quite followed through, now is a great time to check back in with yourself. 


Regardless of how you do it, self-care is important every season so make sure you’re taking time for yourself this spring and always!

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